Our Community.

It takes a village.
At Circular Ocean we want to promote social sustainability and inclusion in addition to environmental sustainability, not in place of it.
Together, we are creating a circular ecosystem and making great strides towards the UN SDGs no. 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities; no. 12 – Responsible consumption and production; no. 14 – Life below water
We are working closely with Docapesca and the local gillnet fishermen to collect discarded from the port of peniche and ensure their proper and sustainable disposal through the creation of our material.
Bigbags are distributed across the port to fishermen, not only to ensure that the nets can be properly collected but so that the fishermen’s contribution can be highlighted and their story told.
Through this collaboration we can raise awareness about sustainability and increasing ocean literacy within the community; highlighting the importance of recycling and ocean conservation.

CERCIPeniche is a social impact organisation that works to promote empowerment and inclusion of disabled individuals, so to create an inclusive and equal society.
The CERCIP team works diligently every week to help us process our collected nets; sorting and cleaning between 50-75kg of nets a week. Their most independent members also work autonomously in our facility 2 days a week as part of a “Useful Social Activity” program.
Through the creation of PENYLON™ we will further expand the participation of and collaboration with CERCIP, ensuring increased community inclusion.